Shield “Modern Plus” | Arkmaster

We produce the simple functional solutions for an attractive interior.

Экран Модерн Плюс
Модерн ПлюсМодерн ПлюсModern_plus-4Экран Модерн плюсЭкран Модерн плюс КленЭкран Сусанна-Цирко

Shield “Modern Plus”

Complete set

  • Shield as a set with the filler.
  • Frame with the profile width of 60 mm


For a filler material which comes as standard, use is made of perforated HDF panels.


The size of the packed shields:

1206х606, mm

906х606, mm


MDF decorated with finish film.

Type of finishes to shields

Type of finishes to shields

Types of shield perforation

Types of shield perforation
Type of finishes to shields
The size of shields
Types of shield perforation

The shield “Modern Plus” has the same roundish profile as the “Modern” shield – 55 mm. A unique feature of this shield lies in filling up with a double pattern of perforation.

The shield design does not interfere with normal air interchange. The shield keeps a high heat exchange.

Decorative shields interrupt the direct convection of the radiator without reducing its heat power.

When mounting, the shield must be beyond the niche’s borders at least by the profile width. Apart from this, for safety’s sake and for keeping the proper heat exchange, the decorative shield must be installed at a distance no fewer than 35 – 40 mm from the radiator and 60 – 70 mm from the floor and window-sill (if placed under the window-sill). Keeping the shield at a distance from the floor prevents moisture from getting on the lower part of the shield during wet cleaning.

The shield is designed for mounting together with a radiator placed in a niche.